Ian MacArthur wrote:
>>      I'm wondering if:
>>              a) the /MD flag is a good default, given the DLL hell
>>                 it seems to incur on unsuspecting programmers;
>>                 perhaps /MT instead?
>>              b) Is there an easy way to change this for the entire lib
>>                 if an app programmer needs to?
> What were the defaults in fltk-1.1? Have we changed?

        Kinda. In 1.1.10 only fltkdll.dsp have /MT and /MTd specified,
        whereas in 1.3.x possibly all the dll projects seem to have it.

        Thing is, I'm not really sure which is 'right' for DLL libs,
        and for that matter, which is best as a general rule for all
        the libs (even the static ones).

        To make 'light' executables, I guess that means /MD, or DLL hell.
        To make 'releasable' executables, that means heavier binaries
        that include the runtime libs, but avoids DLL hell.

        I'm not sure if this affects the libs themselves, but I think
        it does affect how the apps get linked, and therefore whether
        they can be easily moved.

> This sort of stuff ought to be in the README.MSWindows.txt file I think?

        Yes, perhaps that's the best place.

        We should maybe have a linux version too, as you can end up
        with similar problems with dependence on .so files if one's
        not careful. Under linux, though, I think there are some
        .so situations I don't think you can avoid, like libstdc++.so files
        and others (such as GCC lib changes).

> There's a fair bit of stuff in there that looks similar,
> thought I do not know how up to date it is. Seems to be about October 2010.
> There's some stuff in there about VS2008 and VS2010, but no specific 
> discussion
> of the whole /MD /MT stuff or etc.

        Right; that's what got me grepping around in FLTK for /MD and /MT,
        to see if we had docs about 'em (we don't seem to).
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