(Moving the fltk.general thread "Link Errors / Visual C++ 2010 Express" here)

Asif writes:
>> May be you can name such header dll_linked_app.h or something like that.

Albrecht writes:
> I think that winmain.h is a good choice, isn't it?

    This would mean the user program would have to have an #ifdef
    in their main.cxx to handle a DLL vs non-DLL build, which is a
    detail I'd think we should want to avoid if we can.

    My thinking on how this all worked before:

        fltkdll.lib -- has WinMain(), no fltk code (basically a /very/ small 
static lib)
        fltkdll.dll -- has the fltk code, but no WinMain()

    An app wanting dynamic fltk would /statically/ link against fltkdll.lib
    just to get the WinMain() definition, and the dll would come via the
    usual route.

    I'm thinking this is how it must have worked, but I'm not sure.

    Assuming that works, the only thing that might be wrong with this
    (having a small static link stub to access the DLL) would be an
    LGPL issue, believe it or not.

    Strictly speaking, statically linking any part of an LGPL library
    triggers section 6:

    Section 6 is an exception specifically for closed source apps
    that statically link. In the case of a static link, the app
    developer must also meet ONE of the five options in section 6
    (paragraphs a thru e) which lists things like supplying a dynamic
    version of the executable as well, or a way for the end user to link
    against a dynamic version of the lib (eg. providing .o's and a linker 

    Apparently section 6 is intended to allow the end user an option
    to build their /own/ version of the lib, and make use of it with
    the closed source app. This is an LGPL /requirement/, and large vendors
    with lots of antsy lawyers take this very seriously.

    Apparently many commercial vendors (large ones, like Autodesk)
    take the DLL route to avoid triggering the LGPL static link exception.
    Maya is an example I have verified, which makes use of many LGPL libs.

    There was a long thread on this subject on a very large 3D related
    mailing list I'm on which includes a lot of devs from commercial vendors
    which essentially outlined the commercial software vendor point of view:

        o Static linking against an LGPL library creates difficult requirements
          for commercial vendors, specifically section 6, paragraphs a-e.
          (Whether a-e is actually "difficult" is debatable. But several devs
          from different vendors chimed in about this, citing legally vague

        o Dynamic linking avoids section 6, so they prefer to use that.

        o DLL hell "no longer exists" (I beg to differ)
          and hasn't existed for years; put the dll in the same dir as the
          executable, and problem solved. For linux, a wrapper program
          sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the dir where their dll's are)

    Regardless of the debatable aspects of the above, it's true that
    the LGPL does make an exception for static linking, and a 'pure'
    DLL version of the lib therefore needs to be an option for someone
    wanting to avoid section 6, whatever the reason.

    So if the above fltkdll.lib option solves WinMain(), we should probably
    still include directions to the app dev for how to put the WinMain()
    definition into their program, or make the WinMain() code/lib 'public 
    so as not to trigger LGPL section 6 if statically linked, and cite that
    in the docs as a way to avoid section 6.

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