Ian MacArthur wrote:
> On 27 May 2011, at 11:55, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>>> It's not just me - recent versions of gcc whine on about this too!
>> Really? I can only remember having seen gcc warnings if you combine
>> '&&' and '||' (where '&&' takes precedence over '||' anyway, and
>> we "fixed" all *these* warnings already).
> OK - maybe it *is* just me then.
> I still think the extra brackets make it more readable though - well, up 
> until it starts looking too much like some weird dialect of lisp, obviously...

        The RCs for 1.3.0 are probably gonna be high cause we changed
        so much under the hood. Utf8 affected a lot of stuff (and might
        be the cause of #2647, just a guess).

        I was kinda wondering if there isn't a way to do a giant diff
        pitting 1.3 against 1.1.11, and assign a peer review to the resulting 

        Probably a pipe dream/insane assignment, as if we aren't busy enough ;)
        But often peer reviews shake out stuff that even valgrind wont find.
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