> > On the contrary, you can have a completely bug-free FLTK3 that works 
> > absolutely perfectly (okay, so let's talk hypothetically for a minute ;-))
> What are you implying? FLTK 3 has bugs? How very dare you :-P

.... No comment. ;-)

> > > I see Ben says "They're portable (except perhaps to some really obscure
> > > embedded systems)" - I guess he means me!
> > 
> > I'd be surprised if most of these, nowadays, didn't support exceptions.
> Hold on to your chairs and keyboards: Android does not support exceptions! 
> Yes, *that* Android that runs on more phones than Apple's iOS!
> Google developers decided that they wouldn't need exceptions in early 
> development, so the did not compile them in. Now with the release of NDK r5 
> they figure, ah, let's compile them in. But unfortunately that made r4 
> binaries incompatible with the r5 OS. Ooooops! So, no, Android does not 
> support exceptions (unless ofcourse you are brave enough to recompile the 
> SDK, which works, in a way, somewhat).
> And yes, they did not support STL either (until recently (yes, I know, 
> eternal sources offered STL for r4, but that is now incompatible to r5 native 
> STL)).

Admittedly, this was a major oversight on my part. In any case, once FLTK gets 
Android support (which I'm willing to put my hand up for, among other things), 
they'll potentially be beyond the current v6, so I don't think this would be an 
issue we have to worry about - any application written in FLTK won't have to be 
back-compatible to past Android NDKs (due to a lack of FLTK's compatibility 
with NDKs in the first place!)

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