On 27.08.2011, at 01:10, Greg Ercolano wrote:

> On 08/26/11 13:13, Evan Laforge wrote:
>>>   Mmm, it probably could by replacing popen() with pipe()'s
>>>   and fork()/exec(), with select() to watch the stdout/err pipe,
>>>   and trapping keystrokes yourself and sending them to the stdin
>>>   pipe.
>>>   Tricky though. I'd do it myself, but this week is nuts for me
>>>   schedule wise.
>> Don't you need a pty for that?
>       But if you're interacting with programs that assume
>       a tty, like vi or emacs, or programs that are curses
>       based or use terminal ioctl()'s, then you do usually
>       need a pty or they won't act well.

Well, for now the popen solution is somewhat OK. I want Fluid to launch all 
kinds of tools, which usually only requires reading characters from the tools. 
It would be nice to have some way to send characters as well, for example for 
launching gdb (then again, I probably won;t really need that). Anyway, thanks 
for the links so far. Maybe that is already enough for a proof of concept.

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