On 01/04/12 09:41, Duncan Gibson wrote:
>> I am in the process of closing down Easy Software Products. As many of
>> you know, fltk.org is hosted on the easysw.com server.  Our current
>> colocation contract ends in April 2012, and while I might be able to
>> extend things on a month-to-month basis I can't do so indefinitely out
>> of my own pocket (costs for 2011 were $250/month or $2500/year).
> All I can say is thanks for hosting / supporting FLTK all these years.
> Looks like the current poll about the look/feel of the site is moot :-)


        A herculian effort I should add, as Mike really put together
        the whole site, put it into SVN, setup the forums, email,
        trouble ticket system, project management/admin, etc etc.

        I remember Bill telling me back at DD how happy he was that
        Mike volunteered to set up all this infrastructure to manage FLTK,
        not to mention administering it all this time..! Three cheers ;)

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