> > On 01/21/12 19:05, E. Torres wrote:
> >> Are spammers are using the front page of FLTK?
> On 01/23/12 00:13, Michael Sweet wrote:
> > Are you sure you don't have a proxy or DNS redirector provided by your ISP?
>       ..or perhaps a redirect provided by a virus? ;)
>       OP, can you give us (1) an example link on the FLTK site
>       you're clicking on, and (2) describe what you see when you
>       click that link that looks like spam.
>       Keep in mind some of the links are stale (even ones not marked STALE)
>       because the ISP of the person who uploaded the link has long since
>       dropped their account, so you may see an error page or the ISP's
>       main page.

hm i also have a problem. when i try open, for example,
i have:
You don't have permission to access /~demiche/3DPlanetarium.html on this server.

may be some geo filter on the server?
i'm from Russia.
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