On 19.02.2012, at 00:35, Bill Spitzak wrote:

> I like "fl" as well.
> Using "Fl" could be a good trick to replace the fltk1 "Fl" object which 
> only has static methods. But it is now pretty standard to use lowercase 
> for namespaces, and besides it is doubtful it could be 100% compatible.
> I do think worrying about fltk2 compatibility is a mistake. It is 
> obvious that fltk1 compatiblity is wanted instead.
> On 02/18/2012 01:09 AM, Mike Tsakiris wrote:
>> On 18/02/2012 6:27 PM, Manolo Gouy wrote:
>>>> On 17/02/2012 8:42 PM, fltk-dev@ wrote:
>>>> Dont you think that using the label "fltk3" might create problem in
>>>> future upgrades?. Something like "Fltk" might be a better choice.
>>>> Mike.
>>> I fully agree that the name fltk3 would be awkward if FLTK 4.x
>>> ever exists. The difficulty is that fltk is used by FLTK 2.0
>>> with which FLTK 3.0 aims to be compatible.
>>> Do you suggest Fltk as opposed to fltk ? That would be error-prone.
>>> What about fl or FL ?
>> I think fl will be fine.
>> Let the others tune in also.
>> Thank you.
>> Mike.

IMHO, using fltk:: will lead to much confusion on the mailing list. Also, 
looking at how different 1, 2, and 3 are, I assume that FLTK 4 will again be 
quite different one day. And an app written for FLTK3 will not "just run" using 
FLTK4 (just as 1 is nto 2 ist not 3). Using the fltk3:: as a namespace will 
avoid attempts to compile fltk3 apps with fltk2 or fltk4.

Should an app really need porting from fltk3 to fltk4, a simple 
search-and-replace should give a good start. #ifdef's are the wrong way!

But as usual, I am of course open for discussing this.

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