Greg Ercolano wrote:

> On 12/29/11 01:22, Torsten Giebl wrote:
>> GIT is great, no question about it,
>> but i hate one thing about it and some other SCMs, it is the hash IDs.
>>Are you using "6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3" ?
>> I like the numbering of SVN.
>> 1000
>> 1001
>> 1002
>> .
>> .
>> It is easier to remeber when you are filing a bug report, it is easier when
>> you have to backport fixes.
>> We need to backport the fixes from "4020-4025".
>> Nice, easy to read, try that with hashes :-(
> Indeed, and here's an example of how those hashes find their way
> into /public/ readable pages, non-programmers just trying to download
> the latest binary builds of git snapshots:
> Quoting that page:
> 32-bit Builds (Static)
> FFmpeg git-5f0105b 32-bit Static (Latest) (2012-10-26)
> FFmpeg git-04bf2e7 32-bit Static (2012-10-20)
> FFmpeg git-1a104bf 32-bit Static (2012-10-10)
> FFmpeg git-f3f35f7 32-bit Static (2012-10-09)
>            ^^^^^^^
> 64-bit Builds (Static)
> FFmpeg git-5f0105b 64-bit Static (Latest) (2012-10-26)
> FFmpeg git-04bf2e7 64-bit Static (2012-10-20)
> FFmpeg git-1a104bf 64-bit Static (2012-10-10)
> FFmpeg git-f3f35f7 64-bit Static (2012-10-09)
>            ^^^^^^^
> They're not even sequential, so you can't use them to determine
> if one is newer or older than the other.
> Apparently this lack of sequential numbering has to do with the distributed,
> decentralized nature of git's design, as there is no server to manage
> the sequential number.
> Apparently there are hacks to do this though; not sure if they're easy to
> administer and use in practice, though:

When I started using GIT on a serious project I was frustrated about not having 
something similar to SVN ID. Then, once people started cloning my repository, 
and working on their own forks I realised that having something like SVN ID is 
literally not possible. What would it mean - the ID of a commit in MY 
repository, or in someone else's repository?

git-svn is great, I got entire FLTK repo with all branches and histories in my 
GIT FLTK repository here, and I automatically merge new code from FLTK (svn) 
into FLTK (git) "master".

Dejan Lekic -
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