Many thanks for testing Chinese input. I have (r.9761) changed
things a little bit: marked text appears now in white on blue
background, so it should be easily visible. Do you agree?

> I tried it with OS X's built-in pinyin and zhuyin IMEs for Chinese, it
> seemed to work.  My only comment is that the candidate characters show
> up with a dark blue background, which makes it hard to see the black
> text.  Other OS X programs underline the candidates.
> And thanks very much for adding this feature, I previously thought
> you'd have to use the native text entry widget, which seemed like a
> hassle.  Evidently I was wrong!
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Manolo Gouy wrote:
> > Could somebody with knowledge of Chinese, Japanese and/or Korean
> > text input on the Mac OS platform, please, test the current svn
> > version of FLTK 1.3 (r.9755)?
> > The "editor" example program can be used for this test.
> >
> > Using the Mac OS help for CJK text input, I believe
> > several text input functions are now implemented. Testing from
> > experienced users of CJK text input is much needed, though,
> > for I have no knowledge whatsoever of these languages and input
> > systems.

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