On 04/12/13 11:05, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> Hmm, I'm not a "const and ABI specialist", I mean I don't know
> all the implications that would arise if we changed this method.

        Ya, I'll have to double check that one, but I think changing
        the prototypes (args, return values) of existing methods affects ABI,
        but perhaps not const.. You'd think it wouldn't matter, as const is
        not really a data size thing, it's just a permissions thing. But not 

        If for no other reason, macro'ing it out would allow it to
        be investigated easily, and concurrently flagged to be part
        of the next release.

> That said, what about one additional method for each of these
> that is const and returns a const pointer, like this patch:

        I'm not expert on this either.

        I'm thinking as_window() (and friends) should be more like the
        window() prototype (const method, returns non-const pointer)
        if for no other reason, just to be consistent.

        window() has been around for a looong time, and I don't think
        anyone's ever requested const variations, so not sure variations
        would be needed..?
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