On 15 Apr 2013, at 21:28, David FLEURY wrote:

> Le 15/04/2013 21:57, Ian MacArthur a écrit :
>> Is there an STR for this somewhere? I can't find it... so I can't find the 
>> patch.
> I am not used to create a STR. I did not create one.

Ah. That's gong to make it very hard for us to view and comment on it, then.

I think the best thing would be to create an STR and post the icon and your 
patches there, for folk to take a look at.

>> Anyway: what sizes are in the icon file now?
> 32k

The icon file is 32k bytes now?
That seems OK, maybe a bit larger than I'd have expected... OK, just checked, 
and the icon I've been using for my app is 29k, but it has sizes from 16x16 up 
to 256x256 in it.

> I have added a 64*64 and a 48*48 icons

So, it has 16x16 32x32 48x48 and 64x64 then, is that right?

My understanding is that, for Win7 at least, we'd really want a 128x128 as 
well, possibly even a 256x256 just in case!

Is the image you are using for the icon very complex? I'm a bit puzzled why the 
icon is bigger than mine when it does not have as many sizes in it...?

>> We need to be sure there are enough sizes to cover the range expected by XP 
>> through Win7 (and I suppose Win8, though I don't know what sizes it likes; I 
>> assume same as Win7?)
> I have tested it against win8. The icon look fine (64*64) not succeeded 
> to put a bigger one (size increase to much too)

Yup, that seems odd. WOnder why it seems to be so big...

>> As fas as the patch goes, I imagine the only material change to the code is 
>> to add a #ifdef to load the icon, e.g. as is done on the sudoku example in 
>> the test folder?
> Yes exactly
>> That is certainly what I do in my own code, at any rate.
>> Regarding changes to the Makefile, I'm only likely to use the mingw tools 
>> any time soon, so if a suitable icon is available I can adjust fluid's 
>> Makefile to do the resource compilation and so forth for the mingw (and 
>> hence probably cygwin too...) builds. Again, that'll largely be a matter of 
>> cloning the suduko build target really...!
> I have no mingw installed. I have excluded mingw for this patch since I 
> cannot test it.

If you post what you have to an STR, we can certainly look at making it work 
for mingw too...

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