> Coming to this party late, but I just remembered that Jason Bryan's
> FLU widgets have a double-slider widget.
> His pages at OSC.edu appear to be gone but the mirror here still
> seems to be working:
> http://src.gnu-darwin.org/ports/x11-toolkits/flu/work/FLU_2.14/=20
> His FLU_Dual_Slider might be relevant, to see how what he did
> compares.
> He derived a pile of "new" fltk based widgets, so there may be
> clues in that work for a template for future derivations?

I was going to say that the above link didn't work for me either
until I remembered to remove the =20 at the end. This will work:

It also reminded me that I had trawled through all of the Links
pages a while ago, and weeded out the dead links to come up with:

  Article #884: What third party widgets are available for FLTK?

So why I hadn't remembered and checked there first I don't know :-(

If you go to the Flu_Dual_Slider doxygen page from the link above,
the list of public methods is quite limited, so the interface looks
to be quite simple. He does allow "overlap" where "low" == "high".
He has derived it from Fl_Valuator, which is interesting, because
that only supports a single "value" so I would be curious how he
has implemented it.

However, although he appears to be using the FLTK licence, I don't
think we should just base our code on hiswithout understanding our
own vision / requirements.


PS. I shall update the article to include the link above [Done]

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