Hi All,
I'm new to fltk, so if this is the wrong forum, please let me know.

I'm using a glwindow as a subwindow of another window (containing my menus 
etc). Both window work fine, but my cursor, which is normally black with a 
white border,  turns black/black.  This occurs on the entire screen, not only 
within the fltk windows, whenever my program is running. My normal black/white 
cursor returns when my program exits.  I use white on a black background for my 
gnome desktop since I have very limited vision, so the cursor 'disappears' on 
me when my program is running. I've created a very simple test program to test 
whether I have a flaw in my main program, but the cursor problem returns in the 
test program. It seems to be related the to GlWindow, since it didn't appear in 
my test program until the GlWindow was added to the main (menu) window.

Does anyone know why I keep getting a black/black cursor?

I'm using:
Dell Inspiron 8000 notebook
Scientific Linux 4.5 ( Enterprise Linux 4.5)
gcc 3.4.6-8
emacs 21.3-19.EL.4

Thank you very much for your help.
fltk-opengl mailing list

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