> Deprecated? Orphaned? Oh, crap...


> I was using v2 becase I thought that's where FLTK was headed  I could switch 
> to v1 (i'd have to rebuild my wrapper classes) but that would be a 
> considerable effort.

Yup: we get a lot of that. There's a few warnings about this on the website, 
but folk just don't see 'em...

> I suppose v3 is still just a gleam in its daddy's eye?

There's been some work on that "on the side" and it's in the public part of the 
svn tree now. But it doesn't work well enough to be useful yet.
In particualr the GL parts are way off, so no use to you.

> > How many "freestanding" windows does your app have? Sounds like more than 
> > one. Is your GL window parented to the "correct" main window, or...?
> Just one "free standing" window (the main window), which has three child 
> windows (main menu, main body window, and button bar).  The GL child window 
> is a child of the main body child window.  The separate child window that I 
> had open when I got the GL to draw was Help->About (simple dialog form).

OK... nesting windows within windows within windows... has always been a bit 
fragile in fltk2, so that amy be your problem.

I forget what host you are on - certainly "deep" nesting of windows on OSX is 
deeply suspect...

The ideal thing (on any platform) is to have a single outer window and use a 
group as the wrapper for your inner "regions" rather than a sub-window.

The exception is for GL, when you can put a GL window in a "regular" window and 
that will work, but if you nest any deeper than that, e.g.

<ascii art alert>


Then things tend to go to rats**t pretty quickly.

Can you flatten the hierarchy and see if that helps?

I suspect it is the nesting that is causing the problems.


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