On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:17:41 -0700
Mike Werner <werner_...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > I have a GLUT project I'm porting incrementally to FLTK. This project uses 
> > the GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 font, which is considerably different in FLTK (in a 
> > default ubuntu install). The mayor issue though is that's slightly bigger, 
> > resulting in some minor overlap. It seems to take at least 10 pixels 
> > vertically instead of 8.
> I have a workaround for you. Use GLUT and FLTK together. Use FLTK to open 
> your GL window and design your GUI. Use GLUT for displaying character 
> strings. Works fine for me.

Never thought of that. Thanks for the tip.

It seems a shame though, since FLTK's GLUT is working fine. I can also see the 
reason: FLTK's GLUT fonts are taken from the system (in this case, FL_SCREEN), 
whereas 8_BY_13 is an internal bitmap.

I was thinking along the lines of ripping FreeGLUT's bitmaps for the the 


and add a new code-path when the these are used in glutBitmap*.
IMHO there are the two only fonts that require pixel-level similarity.

Would such a change have any chance to be integrated? :)

> A word of caution. We've found that as our apps get larger both GLUT and FLTK 
> fonts stop working. Maybe we're doing something wrong? I don't know. But for 
> our larger applications we've had to develop our own polygon-based font 
> systems.

That's odd.
What GLUT library are you using?

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