Hi Anitban,
Here's what works for me in fltk-2:

makefile stuff: (the kitchen sink)
        g++ -Wall -g -o x main.o common.o ctx.o ents.o glw.o gui.o lay.o 
prompts.o    -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lfltk2 -lfltk2_gl -lfltk2_glut -lm -lX11 -lXi 
-lXft -lXmu -lpthread -lXinerama -lm  -lXext -lGL -lGLU -lfltk2_images -lpng 
-ljpeg -lz -lsupc++

int the prmt header file:
#include <fltk/SharedImage.h>
class Prmt   : public Window
Widget icon;   // the widget that will hold the image  
  fltk::SharedImage *pngi;   // the image pointer
the constructor for the prmt class:
Prmt::Prmt( int wx, int wy)
    : Window( wx, wy, WINW, WINH, 0, true),
      msg1  ( 4*BORDER+ICON,         2*BORDER,         TEXTW,        2*TEXTH),
      msg2  ( 2*BORDER,              WINH-BORDER,      TEXTW+ICON,   TEXTH),
      msgd  ( -BORDER,               -BORDER,          0,            0),
      icon  ( 2*BORDER,              2*BORDER,         ICON,         ICON)
// this places the 'icon' widget into the window
   icon.image((Image*)pngi);   // this places the image pointer into the widget

Placing the image into the 'icon' widget:

bool Prmt::get_text( const char *m1, const char *m2, std::string &e1)
// Descr: access point to get text from Prmt
    pngi = pngImage::get( "images/gnome-question.png");

I hope this helps,

Anirban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Anirban wrote:
> > I am unable to get a JPEG image displayed a window.
> > Is it supposed to be done as it is done in the "About FLUID".
>  For a simple example, see:
>  http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#Fl_JPG_Image

I tried to compile it with -lfltk_jpeg and -lfltk_images
nothing worked.
But on removing "fl_register_images();" it did!!!
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