Am 27.02.10, 14:52 +0100 schrieb Matthias Melcher:
> Hi guys,
> I would please need a quick head count:
> - how many of you are using the Cairo option in FLTK?

Currently I use cairo with own hooks as I rely on distributed FLTK 
versions - namely v1.1.9.

> - how many are actively developing Cairo or plan to do so in the near future?

I would like to be able to switch completely to Cairo for drawing code 
inside FLTK. Eigther by cairo's native API or even with FLTKs elder 
drawing API.

> I am trying to determine if and when we could move Cairo support into the new 
> graphics driver system.

You mean to make cairo the configurable default for drawing inside FLTK?
I guess the difference, in repect to antialised lines, from FLTK to Qt or 
say Quartz would be much smaller on Linux, which is a good thing for 
broader user acceptance.

> - Matthias

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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