> On 31/01/11 21:14, Mike Werner wrote:
> > Should FLTK 1.3.0rc3 build on a Windows XP64 bit computer?  I'm
> > trying to compile it with VC Express 2008 using the project files
> > provided, but am running into cairo-related problems. First it
> > couldn't fine cairo-win32.h. So I went out and got it from the web,
> > put it into the \FL directory, and pointed the compiler to it. Now it
> > can't find cairo.h, which also isn't included in the distribution.
> > Should I go out and chase that down too? Or am I trying to do
> > something impossible?
> Yes, it should build.
> I don't have the VC tools - I gave up on them - but that said they do
> work fine.
> As I understand it (as a non-VC user!) the problem is something to do
> with the way the IDE handles the different targets it has - maybe it is
> alphabetic order or something...
> Anyway, it seems that the default order puts the builds using cairo
> first (maybe "c" comes before "f"...) and you need to go into the list
> and pick the non-cairo target explicitly. Then it works.
> Or you can install cairo, of course, though that can be quite a bit of work!
> Actually, the cairo-fltk target in 1.3 doesn't do all that much, so
> unless you know that you need it, the non-cairo targets are the better
> choice.
> Note that, in the same vein, I think the VC tools maybe favour debug
> over release builds - so that might be something else to watch out for!

Made some progress. My problem was that I didn't notice the README files in the 
main directory and instead jumped right into the ide folder, where there's a 
README.IDE file. I thought that was the all the help I was going to get and 
started experimenting by clicking on vcproj files. That doesn't work. You have 
to use the .sln file.

So everything is compiled. The demos run and one of my apps seems to compile 
and run o.k. But there is another small problem. I can not get Windows to open 
.fl files with fluid. I'd like to be able to double-click on a .fl file and 
have it opened by fluid. Windows won't let me associate fluid with .fl files. 
I've tried by using 'Open With' or by changing the file properties. In both 
cases a browser comes up which is supposed to let me navigate around till I 
find the app I want to associate with .fl extensions. I select fluidd.exe, but 
it's ignored? It forces me to use Photoshop to open the .fl file. The only way 
I can open a .fl file with fluid right now is to start fluid up explicitly, 
then browse thru my folders to the .fl file. Ideas anyone?

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