Thanks for the answers!
I am not sure what to do with this source tough. As it is, it has the
following errors:

*main.cpp(99) : error C2653: 'Fl_Dialog_Window' : is not a class or
namespace name
main.cpp(102) : error C2065: 'm_x' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(102) : error C2065: 'm_y' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(113) : error C3861: 'resize': identifier not found
main.cpp(118) : error C2065: 'm_y' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(122) : error C2065: 'm_w' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(122) : error C2065: 'm_w' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(123) : error C2065: 'm_h' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(123) : error C2065: 'm_h' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(125) : error C2065: 'm_y' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(126) : error C2065: 'm_x' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(126) : error C2065: 'm_x' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(127) : error C2065: 'm_h' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(129) : error C2065: 'm_x' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(129) : error C2065: 'm_y' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(129) : error C2065: 'm_w' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(129) : error C2065: 'm_h' : undeclared identifier
main.cpp(129) : error C3861: 'resize': identifier not found*

I guess the m_'s should be inicialized in the Vollbild function, but I am
not sure with what value. But whats with the resize() and that namespace?

On 5 April 2011 22:06, Edzard Egberts <> wrote:

> schrieb:
> > On 05/04/11 18:08, Zoltán Lengyel wrote:
> >
> > I'd post an example, but can't find it - someone may have something
> > lying around?
> Yes, but it's a little oversized, not all english and there are some
> linux parts missing (returning zero). But it takes account of multi
> screens and prevents caption from vanishing (so the window cannot be
> moved any more). I think, it points to the right direction...
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <FL/Fl.H>
> #include <FL/x.H>
> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
> #ifdef WIN32
>        #include <windows.h>
> #else
>        #include <X11/Xlib.h>
> #endif
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int Caption_Height()
> {       // Bildschirmgröße in y-Richtung
> #ifdef WIN32
>        return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
> #else
>        return 0;
> #endif
> }
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int x_Border()
> {       // Bildschirmgröße in y-Richtung
> #ifdef WIN32
>        return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);
> #else
>        return 0;
> #endif
> }
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int y_Border()
> {       // Bildschirmgröße in y-Richtung
> #ifdef WIN32
>        return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
> #else
>        return 0;
> #endif
> }
> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int Screen_Index(int px, int py)
> {       // Liefert den Screen von Screen 0 bis Screen n zur gegebenen
> Position
>        // oder -1, wenn Koordinate nicht sichtbar
>        if (Fl::screen_count() > 1)
>        {       // Mehrere Desks aktiv, aufaddieren
>                for (int i= 0; i< Fl::screen_count(); ++i)
>                {
>                        int x, y, w, h;
>                        Fl::screen_xywh(x, y, w, h, i);
>                        if ((px >= x && px < x+w) && (py >= y && py < py
> +w)) return i;
>                }
>                return -1;              // Koordinate nicht sichtbar
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                if ((px >= 0 && px < Fl::w()) && (py >= 0 && py < Fl::h()))
> return 0;
>                else return -1;
>        }
> }
> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> void Screen_Multi(int Index, int& sx, int& sy, int& sw, int& sh)
> {       // Liefert Koordinaten des Desktops von Index
>        if (Fl::screen_count() > 1)     Fl::screen_xywh(sx, sy, sw, sh,
> Index);
>                // Tatsächlich mehrere Desks aktiv
>        else
>        {
> #ifdef WIN32
>                sx= 0;
>                sy= 0;
>                sw= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
>                sh= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
> #endif
>        }
> }
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int Size_Screen_X()
> {       // Bildschirmgröße in x-Richtung
> #ifdef WIN32
>        return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
> #else
>        return XDisplayWidth(fl_display, 0);
> #endif
> }
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int Size_Screen_Y()
> {       // Bildschirmgröße in y-Richtung
> #ifdef WIN32
>        return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
> #else
>        return XDisplayHeight(fl_display, 0);
> #endif
> }
> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> bool m_Fullscreen= false;       // Member
> void Fl_Dialog_Window::Vollbild(bool An)
> {
> int sx= 0, sy= 0, sw, sh;
> int i= Screen_Index(m_x, m_y);
> if (i)  Screen_Multi(i, sx, sy, sw, sh);
> else    // if (i == Desktop Null)
> {
>        sw= Size_Screen_X();
>        sh= Size_Screen_Y();
> }
> if (An)
> {       // Vollbild-Modus einschalten
>        m_Fullscreen= true;
>        resize(sx, sy, sw, sh);
> }
> else
> {       // Fullscreen-Modus beenden
>        m_Fullscreen= false;
>        if (m_y== 0)
>        {       // Titelleiste einblenden, wenn nicht sichtbar
>                int bx= x_Border();
>                int by= y_Border();
>                if (m_w > Fl::w() - 2* bx)      m_w= Fl::w() - 2 *bx;
>                if (m_h > Fl::h() - 2* by)      m_h= Fl::h() - 2 *by;
>                int ch= Caption_Height() + by;
>                m_y+= ch;
>                if (m_x < bx) m_x= bx;
>                m_h-= ch + by;
>        }
>        resize(m_x, m_y, m_w, m_h);
> }
> }
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