MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) schrieb:
>> Wasn't that a difference between FLTK 1.1 and 1.3?
>> 1.3 works this way, but 1.1 needs some pWindow->x() + pWidget->x() to
>> meet the coordinate?
> Um, I don't *think* so - the example I posted was originally a fltk-1.1
> example I made, but the behaviour (as of right now, anyway) with
> fltk-1.1 and fltk-1.3 seems to be "the same". Maybe...

I took a look to "Migrating Code from FLTK 1.1 to 1.3" and you are 
right, no such difference mentioned. I remember there sometimes was a 
problem of coordinates, but I'm to old for the details, might have been 
a private problem. ;o)
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