I have a spreed sheet (include a table of input boxes in the out put) I put a 
scroll bar for it as it was larger than the screen width I did this by using 
Fl_Scroll and made the input boxes between
Fl_Scroll scroll = new Fl_Scroll(0, 0, 780, 580);
 I wanted to add labels rows and columns but something that is important is 
that the labels of rows should just scroll by the vertical scroll bar and the 
labels of columns should just scroll by the horizontal scroll bar and I dont 
know how should I do this?
how can I understand which scroll bars( horizontal or vertical) was selected 
and how should I write my scroll call back?
(I insist on using Fl_Scroll not Fl_Scrollbar)
another question is how should I open a saved spreed sheet? I saved it and 
restore it using files but the new spreed sheet I open is not editable
and the last
I don't know why I can one time I run the program draw a chart and next time I 
try to I encounter with an empty page, should I add something else to my 
program or the problem is something else?

thanks in advance
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