On 02/09/12 13:08, ayar...@umich.edu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently attempting to use a program that employs the FLTK library, but 
> it crashes reliably when a drop-down menu button is clicked.  It seems to 
> occur in fl_draw's fl_measure function when the 64bit library is used.
> running the program through gdb on 64-bit Redhat Linux results in the 
> following message when the button is clicked...
> Segmentation fault
> 0x00002aaaaab4c299 in fl_measure(char const*, int&, int&, int) ()
> from /usr/lib64/libfltk.so.1.1
> Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

        Most common problems with fl_measure():

                o Forgetting to call set_font(int,int) before calling 
                  so that it knows what font face and size to use for the 
                  (fl_measure() uses the 'current font' which, if unset, might 

                o Be sure the two arguments after the string are set to 0
                  (unless you want wrapping behavior)

                o Be sure the string passed in isn't NULL

        If it's not one of those, is there anything special about
        the string being passed in? (utf8, symbols..)
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