Describe what happens; does it place the window in the wrong
position, or does the window manager force the user to pick
where to drop the window?

If the latter, this might be an issue with the window manager
configured to always prompt the user for where to put the window.
I believe programs can only give "hints" to the window manager
as to the preferred location of windows, but the window manager
can decide on its own to place it somewhere else (eg. if it's
configured to always open windows in a 'tiled' format, or to
always prompt the user for where to drop the window)

Also: What version of FLTK, and what window manager/desktop
environment is involved?

If you're running a very old version of fltk (eg. 1.1.x instead
of 1.3.x), then it might not have the newer code that knows how
to give extended hints to the window manager. I believe X windows
added some new window manager hint features in the last few years
that 1.3.x needed to make use of to be compatible with the newer
window manager standards.

On 02/07/12 06:56, Georg Potthast wrote:
> I try to move the window in the upper left corner of the screen. The screen 
> does not move though. Here is my test code:
> #include <FL/Fl.H>
> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
> int main()
> {
> Fl_Window win(400, 400,"Test Window");
> win.position(1,1);
> return Fl::run();
> }
> So what do I need to do to move the window?

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