I am having a problem with hide and show with 1.3. Windows and Linux
show the identical problem.

I have an input for an angle and three inputs for degrees minutes and
seconds. The user via radio buttons can select the input format they
want to use, Decimal or DMS. 

Chose decimal and the D, M, S inputs are hidden and the decimal field
is shown and viky verky.

What has recently started is that the field that should be hidden is
not, with the resulting mess on the screen. Switch back and forth 2-3
times and things then get back to normal until the program is
restarted, at wich point the mess starts again.

My program (stripped) has grown to a bit over a meg and the problem
arose in the last few days as I was adding in a few last bits to the

I am not getting any crashes so I do not beleive that I have wild
pointers and the few malloc() I have are all checked for returning
NULL that would result in an exit(0).

I also have 3 Fl_Output that were nicly wrapping text and now they are
not. I replaced them with box and the label is wrapping nicely in the

Has anyone beat this or a simular problem to death.
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