> > On 05/21/12 19:27, leowang wrote:
> > > Dear All,
> > > I found that the fltk draw image speed is not fast, for example, I have a 
> > > 1280*800 window which has a 1280*800 png file as it's background, it will 
> > > takes about 2 second to display it in my arm board, the CPU is 800MHz, my 
> > > compile tools is amr-linux-gcc-4.3.2, I have break down the time, found 
> > > that the most of time spend is not in the decoding but in the draw 
> > > function, why memory copy from one buffer to another buffer will take so 
> > > much time?
> >
> >     Have you ruled out the hardware being slow?
> >     A fast cpu but slow graphics might be the issue.
> >
> >     Do you have any (non-fltk) programs that can display images
> >     quickly on your hardware? For instance, will a large gif playback
> >     quickly in a web browser? Or do movies (avi, mp4) play quickly?
> >
> >     Try these FLTK programs to see if they're also slow.
> >
> >     1) http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#Animate
> >        This uses image() to apply images to a box to do animation.
> >
> >     2) http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#FlDrawImage
> >        This uses fl_draw_image().
> >
> >     3) If openGL is an option, try glDrawPixels().
> >
> >        You may need to experiment with different pixel formats
> >        of your image in memory, so that opengl doesn't have to
> >        translate your in-memory pixel format into something the
> >        hardware prefers.
> >
> >        Try to find out what your graphics hardware prefers
> >        image data to be in, ie. RGB, RGBA, ABGR, etc.
> >
> >     A common problem with extreme slowness in image playback
> >     usually means somewhere along the line, each pixel is having
> >     to be changed from one format (eg. RGB) to another (BGR)
> >     which can slow things down.
> Dear Greg,
> I found that it related to the image format, if I use jpeg, it will not has 
> such slow issue, but if the picture is png, the speed is slower.
> Best regards,
> Leo

additional information, the png has transparent effect will let the speed 
slower, if the png has no transparent effect, the speed is fast.

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