>> Message: 3
>> Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 00:05:18 -0700
>> From: Greg Ercolano <e...@seriss.com>
>> Subject: Re: [fltk.general] Floating point Exception
>> On 05/22/12 23:39, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
>>>          When I clicked on a button twice am getting error floating point
>>>          Exception and application got closed. Why it is happening????
>>>          In the callback of button am clearing clearing thr current
>>>          window and opening another window.
>>>          Am using FLTK-1.3 and ARM processor based X11 linux environment.

>>        No idea, need more details.
>>        Try running the app in a debugger like gdb
>>        to see where (what line) the float exception is happening.
>>        Also: at least show us some code that demonstrates the problem.

thirupathi reddy Mekala <reddy.ru...@gmail.com> writes:
> I am also getting same problem. When i clicked on a button ones at that
> time  no errors and opening another window. but clicked on  twice am
> getting error floating point  Exception.

        Then please include debugger output or a small compilable
        program that demonstrates the problem.

        Also: when replying to a digest version of the group,
        please trim the irrelevant info.. Most people won't even see
        your response if it's buried in the middle of a long digest.
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