On 06/10/12 13:41, Johan R wrote:
> First, thanks a lot for taking the time to investigate.
> I tried xkbevd but it dont work for XBell here (archlinux) but then i saw that
> the "beep" in buttons.cxx demo is actually a printf("\007") which works :)
> (i test XBell, XkbBell and "\007" in a simple C app).
> Looks like "\007" is better than fl_beep atm :).

        Yes, I think you mentioned your terminal bell works already,
        so it makes sense printf("\7") should work for you.

        I did make my own example that calls fl_beep() from a button
        callback, and it triggers xkbevd sound effects too, so I'd
        suggest there's still hope to get XBell() working if you need it.

        It's kinda hard to trace this stuff, ie. why a beep isn't happening.
        Seems like there's a lot of secret ways distros can disable these
        things. I was surprised to find /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
        was one such technique.. stuff like that is hard to anticipate.

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