On 13.06.2012 21:57, Richard Sanders wrote:
>  From the docs
> "int Fl_Input_::maximum_size ( )      const [inline]
> Gets the maximum length of the input field.
> Todo:
>      It is not clear if this function is actually required"
> re Todo
> I think this is required.
> When the size of the contents of the input field needs to be limited,
> so it can be stored in a fixed length buffer for instance, this is
> very useful.
> eg  Fl_Input_::maximum_size (30);
> When the content are transfered to a dynamic buffer, again, very
> useful.
> eg
> char *buffer = (char *)alloca(Fl_Input_::maximum_size () + 1);
> I vote to keep Fl_Input_::maximum_size ()

I believe that this is still available (and we're talking about
FLTK 1.3, don't we?), but here we have the problem that we need
to distinguish the number of characters and the number of bytes,
which can be different, since we have the text in UTF-8 encoding.

I think that the current (svn) version has been fixed to use the
number of characters, so that the (fixed) buffer size mentioned
above should probably be multiplied by 4 - however, it is still
possible to use a *fixed* size.

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