I am writing a program that uses fltk 1.3.
Basically I want to make a graphic that is updated every time I click on it.

The problem is :
              If  I move a window of another program over my  program window, 
the graphic is not redrawn.

This problem appears with Fl_Double_Window.
If I use single buffer the program works fine, but I need use double buffer.
Can some one tell me what the problem could be?
Below I give you an example and I would greatly appreciate if anyone can help 

Thank you very much

#include <stdio.h>

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>

#define MAIN_WINDOW_H  300 // high of the Main Window
#define MAIN_WINDOW_W  500 // width of the Main Window
#define BOX_SIZE_H     200 // high of the inner BOX
#define BOX_SIZE_W     400 // width of the inner BOX

#define ARRAY_SIZE    1000 // buffer size

// distance between the XXX margin and the BOX
#define TOP_MARGIN              50
#define LEFT_MARGIN             35

// Max and Min values of the vertical axi
#define MIN_AXIS_Y      -2
#define MAX_AXIS_Y       2

///\class       Data
///\    Points to draw
class Data
      int buffer [ARRAY_SIZE];
      int last;
      Data (void): last (0) {make_square ();};
      int get_y (void) {last = (last + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE; return buffer [last]; };
      int get_y (int x) {return buffer [x]; };
      int get_last (void) {return last;};
      void make_square (void) {for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE ; buffer [i] = i 
% 10 > 4 ? 1 : -1, i++);};

///\class       FD_plot
///\    Plot window container

class FD_plot
      Fl_Double_Window *form;
      FD_plot (void) {form = new Fl_Double_Window (MAIN_WINDOW_W, 
      //Fl_Window *form;
      //FD_plot (void) {form = new Fl_Window (MAIN_WINDOW_H, MAIN_WINDOW_W);};
      void del (void) { form->hide (); Fl::delete_widget (form);}
     ~FD_plot (void) {del ();};

class Fl_Graphic : public Fl_Box
   Data point;
   int pushes;          ///< Number of clicks over white area (graphic)
   double scale_x;      ///< Horizontal plot scale
   double scale_y;      ///< Vertical plot scale
   int lastx;           ///< X coordinate of last point drawn
   int lasty;           ///< Y coordinate of last point drawn
   int x0, y0, x1, y1;  ///< Effective drawing area coordinates

   Fl_Graphic (int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l = 0);
   void calc_scales (void);
   virtual int handle(int);
   void draw_all_points (void);
   void resize(int X,int Y,int W,int H) { X = x (); Fl_Box::resize (X,Y,W,H); };
   void draw_point (void);
   virtual void draw ();

// class Fl_Graphic - Definition of the member functions
void Fl_Graphic::calc_scales (void)
///\ Calculates drawing bounds and scales according to window size
   x0 = x () ;
   y0 = y () ;
   x1 = x () + w ();
   y1 = y () + h ();
   scale_y = (float) (y1 - y0) / (MIN_AXIS_Y - MAX_AXIS_Y);

void Fl_Graphic::draw_all_points (void)
///\ draws all points of the graphic
   int k, xx, yy;
   double currenty;
   fl_push_clip (x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
   fl_color (FL_RED);
   lastx = x0;
   lasty = y0;
   for ( k = 0; k <= pushes + 1; k++)
      xx = (int)(x0 + k);
      currenty = point.get_y (k);
      yy = (int)(y1 + (currenty - -2) * scale_y);
      fl_line (lastx, lasty, xx, yy);
      lastx = xx;
      lasty = yy;
   printf ("Redrawing all points...last coord x=%d, y=%d\n", lastx, lasty);
   fl_pop_clip ();

void Fl_Graphic::draw_point (void)
///\ draw the last point
   int xx, yy;
   double currenty, delta_history;

   fl_push_clip (x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
   fl_color (FL_GREEN);

   xx = (int)(x0 + point.get_last ());
   currenty = point.get_y ();
   yy = (int)(y1 + (currenty - (-2)) * scale_y);

   fl_line (lastx, lasty, xx, yy);
   lastx = xx;
   lasty = yy;

   printf ("Redrawing one point...coord x=%d, y=%d\n", lastx, lasty);
   fl_pop_clip ();

Fl_Graphic::Fl_Graphic (int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l) : Fl_Box (x, y, 
w, h, l)
///\ Constructor
   pushes = 0;
   lastx = x;
   lasty = y;

void Fl_Graphic::draw ()
///\ draw method
   // Draw the graphic area
   fl_color (FL_WHITE);   // background color
   fl_rectf (x (), y (), w (), h ());
   fl_color (FL_BLACK);   // contour color
   fl_rect (x (), y (), w (), h ());

   // draw all points
   calc_scales ();
   draw_all_points ();

int Fl_Graphic::handle (int i)
///\Event handler
   switch (i)
      case FL_PUSH:
         draw_point ();
         return (i);
   return (0);

int main (void)
   FD_plot *ui = new FD_plot;
   Fl_Graphic *ch;

   ui->form->begin ();
   ui->form->label ("MyGraphic_ Click over white area");
   ui->form->end ();
   ui->form->resizable (ui->form);
   ui->form->show ();

   Fl::run ();

   return (0);

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