On 07/06/12 09:04, David FLEURY wrote:
> Le 06/07/2012 17:43, Greg Ercolano a écrit :
>> On 07/06/12 03:21, David FLEURY wrote:
>>> I have an issue when using this shortcut on a menu bar
>>> (FL_SHIFT + FL_CTRL + '0')
>>> I am under Windows 7..
>>      I googled for 'shift ctrl 0' and found quite a few hits;
>>      a lot of folks run into this.
>>      Apparently Microsoft uses shift-ctrl-0 for the IME
>>      to switch input languages. See:
>>      http://support.microsoft.com/kb/967893
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1464738/shiftctrl0-key-combination-not-seen-by-application-on-windows-vista
> It's the same for Windows 7 even if nothing is assigned for ctrl + shift + '0'

        Right, apparently apps have this problem when running under Vista and up
        because the window manager is intercepting the sequence before the apps 
can get them.

        Cross platform application programmers have to navigate a veritable 
mine field
        of keyboard shortcuts the evolving window managers throw at us.

        I'm not sure there's a good central document that itemizes them all,
        but there are platform specific lists from the various vendors.
        I ran into these while researching the 'standard' text editor keys
        which we recently redefined to tear FLTK away from its SGI roots.
        I accumulated all the info I could find, resulting in this
        "Fl_Input platform-specific keyboard bindings" table:

        I may have posted links to the reference docs on fltk.dev; if I can find
        them, I'll follow up here.

        As I recall, windows, OSX and free desktop/linux each had pages listing 
        the window manager shortcuts, as well as commonly used sequences for 
        (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, etc..) These were of course different from one release 
to the next.

        The users of apps that have lots of shortcuts (like GIMP) have to 
        their muscle memory whenever their favorite shortcuts are eclipsed by
        some new window manager function that app programmers can't anticipate.

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