Hi, there was some problem with that menu.
IIRC, source of the problem was well known feature of C++ language: arbitrary 
initialization order of global variables.

> I am not sure if it is a bug or something changed in fltk-1.3
> If I design window as a "widget" class in fluid, it generates a static menu 
> like
>   Fl_Menu_Item My_Window:menu_ctl[] = {
>      {"&File", ... }
>   }
> instead of
>   Fl_Menu_Item My_Window:menu_ctl[] = {
>      {_("&File"), ... }
>   }
> as it used to in fltk-1.1 if _() was set as a gettext function. Is that a 
> regression/bug or did something change in fltk-1.3?
> Also in fltk-1.3 there is newly an additional widget constructor generated 
> which uses w() and h() and label from fluid entries, this constructor would 
> be very
> useful, unfortunately it disregards internalization settings too...
> Shall I fill an STR?
> Roman

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