On 07/18/12 10:43, Matthias Melcher wrote:
>> The text is split at ’/’ characters to automatically produce submenus
>> (actually a totally unnecessary feature as you can now add submenu titles
>> directly by setting SUBMENU in the flags)

        We should fix that; '/' may be unnecessary in the context of static 
        but it's pretty necessary when using the add() method.

        We should also include some example code showing static vs. dynamic
        creation of menus, as perhaps the docs aren't clear on how all this

        The Fl_Menu_ docs are showing their age, so we should fix them a bit
        to be more relevant to the current state of things.

        For whatever reason, I've always wanted to spruce up the Fl_Menu
        docs a bit. IIRC, my cheat page was initially created because
        I was always forgetting how the menu stuff worked, as the docs
        never seemed to help me much ;)

        I'll try to propose some suggs on fltk.dev for improving them
        for peer review.

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