Just curious - has anyone been doing any work recently on an improved FLTK html 

A quick trial of the existing help viewer widget indicates it's not likely to 
support enough HTML for my proposed uses, which raises the same general 
question already posed in this thread.

Tkhtml3 is indeed a self-contained HTML rendering widget that has no external 
dependencies to speak of (beyond Tcl/Tk itself, obviously.)  Converting it to 
FLTK is almost certainly a lot of work - one first has to understand what 
Tkhtml is doing (it's about 40,000 lines of code, and more than 2000 of them 
call things prefixed with Tcl_ or Tk_).  It does have the considerable 
advantage of being license compatible with FLTK.

Amaya - the W3C browser/editor is also licensed in a compatible fashion (I 
think - not sure where the actual rendering parts live), but it isn't 
immediately clear how much its dependencies are hooked into its core HTML 
renderer.  Amaya has changed GUI toolkits at least once in its history that I 
can remember (it's currently using wxWidgets) so it's presumably possible to 
retarget it, but I have no real idea how much work it would be.  My guess would 
be it's at least as much work as tkhtml would be.

Webkit is certainly full featured, but it's sheer size and (probable) list of 
requirements on various platforms makes it a rather daunting prospect.  It also 
uses LGPLv2 with (AFAIK) no static linking exception, which may also pose a 

Dillo would in some ways be nearly ideal, since they already use FLTK, but they 
are GPL licensed and thus not currently a candidate.  Has anyone ever 
approached the Dillo devs and asked if they would be willing to support 
relicensing the parts of their codebase necessary to create a CSS supporting 
Fl_Html rendering widget so it could become part of FLTK proper?  They may or 
may not be interested in that possibility (it usually depends on the project 
and the goals of its devs) but if someone who could represent FLTK were willing 
to ask that would be a great first step.


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