On 08/11/12 09:22, Coder wrote:
> Than I get:
> error: request for member 'x' in 'window',
> which is of non-class type 'Fl_Window*'.
> And for the position():
> error: request for member 'position' in 'window',
> which is of non-class type 'Fl_Window*'.

        If you're a C programmer, it'll help to think of classes as structs.
        They're similar in many ways, including how to resolve their members.

        Like structs, you can either have a class, or a pointer to class;
        depends on your code.

        You'd use foo.x() if 'foo' is a class, and
        you'd use foo->x() if 'foo' is a /pointer/ to a class.

        If you get it wrong and try to use . instead of ->
        to resolve a pointer, you'll get those errors.

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