On 18 Aug 2012, at 15:13, David FLEURY wrote:
> Yes, I have found these, too:
> int   position_to_line (int pos, int *lineNum) const
> int   position_to_linecol (int pos, int *lineNum, int *column) const
> but they are protected and not public...(I am using fltk 1.3.0 only at 
> this time)

ISTR that when I made an editor based on Fl_Text_* (now long since discarded, 
since others have built better editors than I have ever managed...) that I 
ended up having to derive my own classes from the FL ones anyway, to add 
various tweaks and helper functions, so then adding methods to access the 
protected members was trivial.

That can work for your case too?

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