On 09/10/12 10:00, Art Werschulz wrote:
> erdos@dsm:examples$ g++ -o hello hello.cxx -lfltk -lXext -lX11 -lm
> erdos@dsm:examples$ hello
> *** glibc detected *** hello: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001bcb320 
> ***
> *** glibc detected *** hello: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001bcb320 
> ***

> What's strange is that on a different Fedora 17 machine:
> sobolev@dsm:examples$ g++ -o hello hello.cxx -lfltk -lXext -lX11 -lm
> sobolev@dsm:examples$ hello
>    ... runs successfully ...
> sobolev@dsm:examples$

> Thoughts?

        We don't manage the RPMs, so lets rule out there's an issue
        with that by building from FLTK's own source code.

                0) First, see if /usr/include/FL exists, and if it /does/,
                   temporarily rename it to FL.disabled, eg:

                        ls -lad /usr/include/FL
                        mv /usr/include/FL /usr/include/FL.disabled

                1) Go to fltk.org > Download, and download the 1.3.x-r9xxx tar 

                2) Extract the code to your local drive, eg:

                        cd /usr/local/src/
                        tar xvfz /somewhere/fltk-1.3.x-r9678.tar.gz

                3) Build FLTK from scratch, eg:

                        cd /usr/local/src/fltk-1.3.x-r9678

                4) Run the hello test program:

                        ./test/hello program

        If you still have trouble, let us know.

        If that works, then there's perhaps something wrong with the RPM,
        or perhaps there was a previous (old) version of FLTK installed on
        the machine in /usr/include/FL and possibling /usr/lib* that's
        messing things up.
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