On 09/20/12 03:27, MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>>>>   Fl_BMP_Image jpg("C:/Users/Marick/My Pictures/image.bmp");
>>      I wonder if we could make error checking more obvious for the default
>>      behavior in FLTK for this type of thing.
>>      I can think of three possible ways to help:
>>              o A global Fl::option() to control how image errors are shown
>>              o An error_callback() to be called when the image can't be 
>> loaded
>>              o Adjust the docs + examples to include error checking
> Could do - though I'm a big fan of just calling access() on the path
> before I try to use it - that pretty quickly filters out any mistakes...!
> (And works on all the platforms I support too, which is handy.)

        Our docs for the Fl_JPEG_Image constructor says:

There is no error function in this class.
If the image has loaded correctly,
w(), h(), and d() should return values greater zero.  <--

        ..which seems to imply the following pattern should work:

    const char *filename = "/var/tmp/foo.jpg";         // the file to load
    Fl_JPEG_Image jpg(filename);                       // load jpeg image into 
    if ( jpg.d() == 0 ) {                              // optional error 
        fl_alert("%s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); // post dialog showing 

        However, it seems we have a bug: I just did a test with 1.3.x,
        jpg.d() returned 3 even if the file doesn't exist, which seems to
        break contract with our docs.

        Changing the test to check jpg.w() does work though.
        I've made an STR (#2873) for this.

        However, I think even the above can give a misleading error message
        if e.g. the file exists but is corrupt in some way, causing the above
        to give a random errno message, instead of indicating the file is 

> ..access()..

        Ian: as an aside: beware of access() on windows (or well, _access())

        Although I think you prefer cygwin to VS, VS has had a long standing
        bug with _access() write-testing of files and directories. See:

        I actually called microsoft on that one using my VS support back in 
        They confirmed it, found me a Win32 style workaround, and they
        filed a bug internally to fix the problem. This was 7 years ago.

        Just now checked VS 2010 + Win7 to see if they fixed it..
        bug is still there. (LOL, Microsoft). Just updated the above thread
        with that detail.

        So yeah, perhaps a good reason to use cygwin.. at least gnu fixes
        stuff and their posix support is surely better.
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