On 09/27/12 13:08, Eric Sokolowsky wrote:
>> On 09/27/12 10:47, Eric Sokolowsky wrote:
>>> I'm using FLTK 1.3.0 and have a list of widgets in a Fl_Pack. This Fl_Pack 
>>> is inside a Fl_Scroll. When I add a new item to the Fl_Pack I want the item 
>>> to be visible right away, scrolling if necessary. Is there a way to do this 
>>> easily, or do I have to figure out where the new item is and if offscreen 
>>> figure out how much to adjust the scrollbar. I tried using the latter 
>>> method but the screen does not update right after the item is inserted 
>>> until I move the cursor again, even if I put the code to update the 
>>> scrollbar position at the beginning of my Fl_Scroll's draw() function.
>>      When you add the item to the pack, position the scroller,
>>      then call the parent window's redraw() method, eg. 
>> scroll->window()->redraw();
>>      and see if that does it.
> I tried that and it didn't seem to work. I still have to move the mouse after 
> dropping the new item in order to see the scroll position change. Any other 
> suggestions? Thanks for the help.

        Hmm, this sounds familiar..

        If Fl_Scroll is like some other widgets, I /think/ the scroll position
        might be calculated during actual drawing of the widget.. so you 
        have to cause a redraw event once just for the positions to be 
        internally for the widget, then again once those calculations have been 

        So instead of just calling redraw() once, first try this:


        This will cause two redraws, perhaps fixing the problem.

        If that doesn't work, you /might/ have to put your scroll position code
        just after the Fl::wait(.10), as after that the scroll widget should 
        redrawn itself and recalculated its internals.

        But try the simple thing first, just the above extra two lines.
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