On 2013-01-08 10:05:26 -0500, MacArthur, Ian (Selex ES, UK) said:

> Hmm - do you *really* need to use a sub-window rather than a group here?

Not in this case. I simply had a working window-based console already, 
and it looked as if it would be straightforward to embed it as a 
subwindow. And it was...until I tried to show and hide it.

> The reason I ask is that OSX doesn't really have sub-windows per se, 
> and we are kinda faking it. And it doesn't always work as well as we'd 
> like (Matthias or Manolo may have a better idea about this...)

My (very possibly mistaken) impression and expectation was that windows 
would pretty much just act as groups when used as subwindows. I haven't 
found a clear description of how subwindows are expected to behave.

> I assume your code is fine on WinXX / Linux hosts then?

I haven't yet tried on other platforms.

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