Sorry - I was a bit trigger-happy with the send button. Pseudo-code 

> In short, I have something like the pseudo-code below. I'm happy to post my 
> full test/draft if that helps.
> Maybe someone else has been through this before?
> Denton
> // a 'drop down or popup' box with suggested text completions
> class SuggestionsBox : public Fl_Menu_Window {
>   Fl_Select_Browser *browser_; // ideally ...
> public:
>     SuggestionsBox(...) : Fl_Menu_Window( ... ){
>        create browser_;
>        end();
>     }
>    ...
>    etc.
> }
> // input box that displays "suggested completions" as dropdown/popup
> class SuggestionsInput : public Fl_Input {
> ...
>   Fl_Input *input_;
>   SuggestionsBox *browser_;
>   ... etc etc ...
>   browser_cb_() {
>    // when user clicks a browser item, add to input_
>    // then, hide browser_
>   }
>   int handle(int event) {
>   // on keypress, take input_->value() as prefix. Use client fxn
>   // to search db/tree of terms, send those to browser_.
>   // show browser_ just below this input, but keep
>   // focus in the text input.
>   }
> public:
>   InputWithSuggestionsBox(..) {
>    // always display input_
>    Fl_Group::end();
>    browser_ = new SuggestionsBox(...);
>      browser_->callback(browser_cb_, this);
>    ... etc
>   }
>   // etc etc
> };

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