
Please excuse these basic questions from an FLTK newbie.

The context of the questions is that I've tried to build the example 
code from Bjarne Stroustup's Programming Principles and Practice Using 
C++ (PPP) book. ( http://www.stroustrup.com/Programming/ )

This code uses FLTK for its GUI examples.  A link is provided ( 
http://www.stroustrup.com/Programming/FLTK/ ) to FLTK-1.1.9 sources, to 
build that version to be linked with the relevant example code.  In 
attempting to doing this I've experienced slight problems, and am 
seeking advice on these.

What I tried to do was simply a build of the FLTK lib on Ubuntu 12.04, 
and on a Raspberry Pi ( http://www.raspberrypi.org/ ), running its 
current Debian wheezy os (Raspbian), and w/ their default g++, 4.6.3 for 
both of these, IIRC.  The problems include:

    1) In building the supplied FLTK code, there is a conflict found 
with an installed file, /usr/include/dirent.h .    

     2) A few simple, compilation problems in the example code that were 
easy to fix.

Problem 1) above was encountered with or without an (1.3) version of 
FLTK separately installed on the machine.  This was worked round by not 
attempting to build the (PPP) supplied source for FLTK, but just using 
the 1.3 versions available in the relevant distros.  Of course this left 
the GUI code being build against a lib that it was not written for. 
;-(   But there were no huge issues seen with the results, apart from
those covered below, which might be unrelated to this change.

In running the built example code, there was a problem related to 
closing the example window.  Several of the samples have a "Next" button 
which worked - at least reasonably - reliably to effect closing.  But 
the window's 'x' or close on its menu seemed to result in the app's 
looping.  Is this to be expected?  I've seen references saying that 
windows under FLTK, Fl::run() does not return until all of the windows 
under user control are hidden or closed.  Is this related?

Finally, on the Raspberry Pi's display, the lines are over-thin, and the 
colours (colors ;-)) are somewhat poor.  I _expect_ that these issues 
might be related to use of a different screen, and in any event could be 
addressed by slight tweaks to the example code, rather than being 
related to FLTK version changes - but if anyone has first-hand 
experience of this, I'd appreciate their comments. I haven't yet looked 
at the rendering of text. 

Can anyone advise an FLTK newbie on the best way to address
such issues in this code?

So, any advice on any of these issues would be appreciated.  And, 
ideally, I'd like to hear from people who may have tried to build the 
PPP examples on a recent Linux system.


Alec Ross

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