Just starting out with Fluent so any help with this would be

Domain Entities:
> Service {Abstract}
> Storage : Service
> ServiceDescription {Abstract}
> UntimedServiceDescription : ServiceDescription
Service aggregates ServiceDescription.

DB Tables:
> Service [FK ServiceDecriptionID int]
> ServiceDescription [FK ServiceTypeID int]
> ServiceType [IsTimed] [bit]

I am having difficulty finding the correct subclass mapping code.
>From the above schema you will see that I need to
DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn("ServiceTypeID") in order to create the
Storage subclass. I also need to DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn
("IsTimed") in order to take into account that ServiceDescription can
be of type UntimedServiceDescription or TimedServiceDescription.

I suppose the entire question can be boiled down to how can you use
DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn() for tables and columns that are
outside of the current ClassMap<Service>?



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