Thanks James. That should do what I need! J


[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: quinta-feira, 29 de Janeiro de 2009 22:35
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


Luis: I've just committed a change that'll affect this. I've added LazyLoad
to subclass, and I've updated everything to use a Not property instead of
explicit NotXXX methods; that way we won't forget about doing a Not
something in the future.


So it's now: LazyLoad() and Not.LazyLoad(), these are available wherever
LazyLoad was before, and also on the subclass.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

Yeah, and if i recall correctly, the default is lazy loading, which is not
working for meJ 


Thanks again.


[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:36

Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


That sounds correct, although there should be a NotLazyLoaded method.


By not setting any lazy load, FNH leaves the attribute off all together;
this makes it fall back onto NHibernate's defaults.


I shall add that method to my list of changes.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

Oh, just remembered…and what about the lazy attribute on the other
properties (references)?


For instance, on collections…I see there is a LazyLoad method but there
isn't a NoLazyLoad method. So, I assumed that if I don't call that method I
wouldn't get lazy loading and would get the lazy="false" on the roperty
mapping. This isn't happening. Any reason for that?


Thanks again



[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:26

Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


Excellent! Glad we got there in the end.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

James, thanks for your time! As always, the mistake was mine: the error were
coming from the snapshot classes which also had inheritance.


Thanks again. 



[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:12

Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


That looks right to me, and you have NotLazyLoaded set on the main class


In my setup I've got default-lazy to true, the parent class set to false,
and all the subclasses also set to false. That works for me.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

I'm seeing the lazy="false" on the XML but I'm still getting the same error
if I don't set the default-lazy to false. Btw, here's the mapping of one of
the subclasses:


DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn("TipoEntidade", (Int32) (EntityKind.Single))

                .SubClass<Individual>((Int32) (EntityKind.Single),

                                      e =>


                                              e.Map(ind => ind.BirthDate,

                                              e.Component<BIInfo>(ind =>

                                                                  bi =>


bi.Map(b => b.Archive, "Arquivo")


bi.Map(b => b.EmissionDate, "DataEmissao")


bi.Map(b => b.Number, "BI")



                                              e.SetAttribute( "lazy",
"false"  );


                .SubClass<Company>((Int32)(EntityKind.Company), e =>
e.SetAttribute("lazy", "false") );


See anything wrong?





[] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 11:49

Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


You didn't mention it was a subclass that was failing! Subclasses also have
their own lazy attribute as well as their parent class, and I can now see we
haven't mapped a way to handle this in FNH.


You SHOULD do something like this (but can't right now):



  .SubClass<Individual>(subclass =>






However, as you can't do that currently, you can use SetAttribute instead.


subclass.SetAttribute("lazy", "false");

I'll look into getting this implemented properly. Let me know if the set
attribute hack works.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Luis Abreu <> wrote:

Hello again.

You're not going to like this answer... it works for me!

Yep, I don't like that answer :)

Ok, back to my code. First, I'm not using sessionsource because the assembly
is not signed and since it has dependencies on non-signed assemblies I
cannot sign it here. So, I'm just getting the XML from the mappings by using
code similar to this:

var currentTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();

var methodsThatReturnXmlDocs = currentTypes
               .Where(existingType => GetMethodForExecution(existingType)
!= null)
               .Select(existingType => GetMethodForExecution(existingType))
foreach (var method in methodsThatReturnXmlDocs) {
   var mappingVisitor = new MappingVisitor();
   mappingVisitor.Conventions.DefaultLazyLoad = false; //HAD TO ADD THIS
   var doc = method(mappingVisitor);

Ok, here's the XML my mappings are generating:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" default-lazy="false"
assembly="Sra.Core.Entities" namespace="Sra.Core.Entities">
 <class name="Entity" table="Entidades" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
lazy="false" discriminator-value="0">
   <id name="Id" column="IdEntidade" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
     <generator class="identity" />
   <discriminator column="TipoEntidade" type="Int32" />
   <version column="Version" name="Version" />
   <property name="Name" column="Nome" length="200" type="String"
     <column name="Nome" />
   <property name="Nif" column="NIF" length="9" type="String"
     <column name="NIF" />
   <property name="Nifap" column="Nifap" length="50" type="String"
     <column name="Nifap" />
   <many-to-one cascade="save-update" name="Action" column="IdAccao" />
   <set name="Branches" access="field.camelcase-underscore" cascade="all">
     <key column="IdEntidade" />
     <one-to-many class="Sra.Core.Entities.Branch, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac" />
   <subclass name="Sra.Core.Entities.Company, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac"
discriminator-value="1" />
   <subclass name="Sra.Core.Entities.Individual, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac"
     <property name="BirthDate" column="DataNascimento">
       <column name="DataNascimento" />
     <component name="BIInfo" insert="true" update="true">
       <property name="Number" column="BI" length="20" type="String">
         <column name="BI" />
       <property name="EmissionDate" column="DataEmissao" length="50"
         <column name="DataEmissao" />
       <property name="Archive" column="Arquivo" length="100"
         <column name="Arquivo" />

Now here's the XML when I don't set the default lazy convention (which means
it's set to true by default, right?):

<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" default-lazy="true"
assembly="Sra.Core.Entities" namespace="Sra.Core.Entities">
 <class name="Entity" table="Entidades" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
lazy="false" discriminator-value="0">
   <id name="Id" column="IdEntidade" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
     <generator class="identity" />
   <discriminator column="TipoEntidade" type="Int32" />
   <version column="Version" name="Version" />
   <property name="Name" column="Nome" length="200" type="String"
     <column name="Nome" />
   <property name="Nif" column="NIF" length="9" type="String"
     <column name="NIF" />
   <property name="Nifap" column="Nifap" length="50" type="String"
     <column name="Nifap" />
   <many-to-one cascade="save-update" name="Action" column="IdAccao" />
   <set name="Branches" access="field.camelcase-underscore" cascade="all">
     <key column="IdEntidade" />
     <one-to-many class="Sra.Core.Entities.Branch, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac" />
   <subclass name="Sra.Core.Entities.Company, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac"
discriminator-value="1" />
   <subclass name="Sra.Core.Entities.Individual, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac"
     <property name="BirthDate" column="DataNascimento">
       <column name="DataNascimento" />
     <component name="BIInfo" insert="true" update="true">
       <property name="Number" column="BI" length="20" type="String">
         <column name="BI" />
       <property name="EmissionDate" column="DataEmissao" length="50"
         <column name="DataEmissao" />
       <property name="Archive" column="Arquivo" length="100"
         <column name="Arquivo" />

And in here's the exception I'm getting whenever I set lazy to false:

NHibernate.InvalidProxyTypeException: The following types may not be used as
Sra.Core.Entities.Individual: method SetName should be virtual

Etc, etc, etc for all the properties of my class. Should I get this
exception? At first sight, it sseems like the only thing that changed is the
default-lazy attribute, but I could be missing something...

Oh, and btw, I've just noticed that I'm not getting a lazy=false on my
collections. I'm expecting this because the only option I have on my method
chain when defining the collection mappings is the LazyLoad method call...

Thanks again.


















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