That should work. Have you tested your config without Fluent?

On 3/1/09, epitka <> wrote:
> Ok I can do it like this
>   Configuration cfg = LoadDefaultConfiguration();
>                 _sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure
> (cfg).BuildSessionFactory();
> but how do I add mapping assembly. Any ideas? nhibernate.config has
> mapping tag but is does not seem to work.
> On Mar 1, 8:38 am, epitka <> wrote:
>> hi,
>> Is there a way to load nhibernate.config directly through fluent? I
>> have a common assembly that I use for all NH project that deals with
>> sessions, config etc. Now I would like to be able to map entities
>> using Fluent but configure using normal nhibernate.config. Why? Well
>> for one in this line for example I don't know the assembly name, it is
>> specified in nhibernate.config.
>> .Mappings(m =>
>>       m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<Program>())
> >

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