On Sep 14, 7:32 pm, Anthony Gatlin <gatl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anthony T.,
> That's a pretty interesting idea--persisting objects from third party
> libraries. I can think of a handful of cases right off the bat where
> that might come in really handy. If FNH could auto-map these items and
> persist them, that would be awesome. I think I am going to unashamedly
> borrow this from you. :)

i'm not using auto-mapping here, just want to be able to take classes
that were not necessarily designed with persistence in mind and map
them manually.

> One idea. If the classes are not sealed, perhaps you can extend them
> in your own app. By extending them, you could make them completely NH
> compatible. When you needed to pass them back to the calling
> application, you could cast the objects back to their original type.
> Would this be of any value?

This is in fact exactly what I'm doing now, but it feels somewhat

Clearly great minds think, and are named, alike.

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