Good you told me to stop searhing it (NHibernate mapping).

It's really weird given the age of NHibernate. Maybe my scenario is
specific, but take the example of OrderLine {Product, Order, Quantity} for
example. Such scenario is not rare at all (a many to many intermediate table
that contains additional properties qualifying it to be a separate entity).

I think for now there are two workarounds. Not using cascade when dealing
with legacy DBs or DB first (which is OK, nobody expects perfect results
with legacy DB anyway), and accepting the existence of additional reduant
columns since it's automatically synchronized as in my ugly solution here

By the way, I have found a good explanation why NHibernate does not support
this, and some other wokaround also depending on column versionning (haven't
got that part fully yet). I think some of you might be interested in the
reasonning around it:

Thank you very much for your help.


Mohamed Meligy
Information Analyst (.Net Technologies) – Applications Delivery - TDG
Injazat Data Systems
P.O. Box: 8230 Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Phone:  +971 2 6992700
Direct:   +971 2 4045385
Mobile:  +971 50 2623624, +971 55 2017 621


On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Paul Batum <> wrote:

> I think I misread your initial email as I went looking for a way to do this
> with conventions without actually checking to see if the fluent interface
> supports it. I've done a little more investigation and now I suspect it is
> not possible to set a key-many-to-one as cascade, because the nhibernate
> mapping schema does not support it:
>     <xs:element name="key-many-to-one">
>         <xs:complexType>
>             <xs:sequence>
>                 <xs:element ref="meta" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
> />
>                 <xs:element ref="column" minOccurs="0"
> maxOccurs="unbounded" />
>             </xs:sequence>
>             <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="access" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="class" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="entity-name" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="column" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="foreign-key" type="xs:string" />
>             <xs:attribute name="lazy" type="restrictedLaziness">
>             </xs:attribute>
>         </xs:complexType>
>     </xs:element>
> As you can see, there is no cascade attribute.
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Mohamed Meligy <>wrote:
>> So, do you suggest some workaround or so?
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Mohamed Meligy
>> Information Analyst (.Net Technologies) – Applications Delivery - TDG
>> Injazat Data Systems
>> P.O. Box: 8230 Abu Dhabi, UAE.
>> Phone:  +971 2 6992700
>> Direct:   +971 2 4045385
>> Mobile:  +971 50 2623624
>> E-mail:
>> Weblog:
>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Paul Batum <> wrote:
>>> FNH currently does not support conventions on key-many-to-one mappings.
>>> It probably wouldn't be that hard to implement, as the inspector interface
>>> is already there for them (its IKeyManyToOneInspector), but the instance
>>> interface for actually modifying the mapping doesn't yet exist (it would be
>>> called IKeyManyToOneInstance).
>>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Mohamed Meligy <>wrote:
>>>> First,  I know what I'm going is most likely not supported. I just want
>>>> to make sure, and question if there's some workaround.
>>>> The question in brief is: If I have an entity with CompositeId, one part
>>>> of this Composition is a Reference to another entity.
>>>> If I map this Reference using "CompositeId" function of ClassMap
>>>> "CompositeId().KeyReference(...)", how can I set the Cascade model of the
>>>> referenced entity?
>>>> I know for a non CompositeIdPart, it's easy:
>>>> References(x => x.SomeReferencedObjectProperty).Cascade.All();
>>>> But if the entity was mapped in a way similar to:
>>>> CompositeId()
>>>>     .KeyProperty(x => x.SomeProperty)
>>>>     .KeyReference(x => x.SomeReferencedObjectProperty);
>>>> How can I set the cascade of "SomeReferencedObjectProperty"?
>>>> I tried some workaround that I described here
>>>> but this way when I generate the schema and execute NH queries, etc, I
>>>> find two  columns created (see the link for more details).
>>>> Although I think this case above is very basic and sure happens a lot if
>>>> I decide to map also Many-To-Many middle tables, so, it's really weird that
>>>> I can't get it straight forward. I'm new to NH in geenral anyway!
>>>> If you are wondering why I need to do this, here is my specific case
>>>> (changed names of the models for confidentiality): I'm working on an
>>>> existing site that is like a document mnagement tool. Each document has its
>>>> contents and the user that submitted the document, plus some other details.
>>>> The entore website data layer is built using SPROCs and some helpers, and
>>>> manual mapping of result sets to POCO classes, which are act as just DTOs
>>>> between the UI/BLL and Data Access.
>>>> Now, part of my task was to modify the website to implement something
>>>> like MasterPage for documents. Each user will browser the master pages, and
>>>> choose to apply the master page to one of the documents he uploaded 
>>>> already.
>>>> This means there is a Many-To-Many relation between "MasterPage" and
>>>> "Document". I want to do this without affecting any part of the "Document"
>>>> UI layer, for a simple reason - it just works! No errors or such were found
>>>> and users are happy with it, so, no reason to re-implment those.
>>>> So, I though, I'll model my "MasterPage" using FNH, and have something
>>>> like "DocumentMasterPage", which includes reference to "MasterPage" and INT
>>>> DocumentId referencing the "Document" PK. Of course I could also make my 
>>>> own
>>>> "Document" model and map Many-To-Many between "Document" and "MasterPage"
>>>> without modeling middle tables, but it sounded ugly to duplicate something
>>>> that already exists ("Document").
>>>> I know that was too much talk, so, again, my main question is:
>>>> *If I map this Reference using "CompositeId" function of ClassMap
>>>> "CompositeId().KeyReference(...)", how can I set the Cascade model of the
>>>> referenced entity?*
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Regards,
>>>> --
>>>> Mohamed Meligy
>>>> Information Analyst (.Net Technologies) – Applications Delivery - TDG
>>>> Injazat Data Systems
>>>> P.O. Box: 8230 Abu Dhabi, UAE.
>>>> Phone:  +971 2 6992700
>>>> Direct:   +971 2 4045385
>>>> Mobile:  +971 50 2623624
>>>> E-mail:
>>>> Weblog:
> >

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