I will typically put my component classes in a different namespace.
For example, I'll put my entities in a folder/namespace "Model" and my
components in a folder/namespace "Model.Components".

With this convention, it is easy to set up the fluent mappings to
treat components as components.

    .Setup(s =>
    s.IsComponentType = t => t.Namespace ==
                           s.GetComponentColumnPrefix = type =>
type.Name + "_";

On Jan 21, 6:44 am, Kenneth Cochran <kenneth.coch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I was using the Automapper exclusively, feeding it only types that
> implemented an interface I had defined called IEntity. It this was
> working good until I realized I needed to map some value object types
> as components. So I instead of only mapping implementations of IEntity
> I changed automapper to map everything in the the "Domain" namespace.
> Thats when I started having trouble.
> The way my application is organized, each domain aggregate is defined
> in a separate assembly (along with views, presenters and import/export
> features) which is dynamically loaded at runtime. So each plugin
> assembly has a "Domain" namespace containing the entities and value
> objects used by that aggregate.
> Anyway, none of my value objects are mapping correctly as components.
> The automapper tries to map them as normal entities but since they
> don't have an Id field nhibernate chokes on the first one. I've tried
> several different approaches: defining a blank interface which all
> value object implement, moving all value objects to separate
> namespace, referencing each value object type individually in the
> lambda expression for IsComponentType.
> All attempts produced the same result so I decided to try something
> else; I created a sample project to try to reproduce and isolate the
> problem. Well, my sample project ran flawlessly. I tried one over and
> over but I couldn't reproduce the problem I'm having in my main
> application.
> So I'm now to the point where I've downloaded the source for fluent
> nhibernate and tried stepping through the automapping process. Being
> unfamiliar with how the automapper works, I'm completely lost. Those
> three simple lines I wrote to invoke the Automapper hide an extremely
> complex series of jumps and branches and I can't possibly follow
> without at least several weeks/months of learning.
> Could someone throw me a bone and point me to where in the Automapping
> code I should focus to find out why my classes aren't mapping as
> components?

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