
I can't figure out how to get rid of the following behavior:

I have an entity, say Parent, which has an signle assigned identifier
(so that there'll always be one single record in the corresponding
database table) and a collection (IList<>) of Child entities. Parent
is mapped with "HasMany(x =>
The Child entity has no reference to the Parent so it's mapped

Then, in my repository, because of the assigned identifier I can't
call SaveOrUpdate, so I do this:

        public Parent Save(Parent parent)
            if (Get() != null)
                return repository.Update(parent);
                return repository.Save(parent);

If I create two instances of Parent and call Save successively like

        // Note: parents have the Children collections populated
        var p1 = new Parent();
        var p2 = new Parent();

...then I get both correct data in the database AND orphaned children
(i.e. with ParentID FK == NULL). The children from the first Save are
orphaned, while the ones from the second one are inserted and then
have their FKs updated to point to the single Parent record.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


ps: I also tried setting .Inverse() on the Parent HasMany mapping, but
that didn't work either.

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