Given the following Tables and classes.... I want to know how to Map
class Bs reference to A. It doesn't have a direct reference in table
B, but comes from A having a reference to it. B only ever has 1 A that
will have a reference to it. Can it be done? :)

table A
int id
int bID

table B
int id

class A
   virtual int id { get; set;}
   virtual B B { get; set; }

class B
   virtual int id{get; set;}
   virtual A A { get; set;}

only way I'm thinking so far is that perhaps if I do something like,
and treat the relationship as a many to one?

class B
   virtual int id{get; set;}
   virtual IList<A> As { get; set; }
   virtual A A { get
return As[0];
As[0] = value;

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